Friday, 20 September 2013

School Prospectus Cover

This is my school magazine cover:

Obviously it's not the greatest magazine cover I've ever seen or ever will, but it's alright I think. For my first anyway.

The masthead is a boring "Misbourne" because I felt alliteration was too childish, that picking a random noun was stupid, and all the other nice school related titles had already been taken. Besides, "Misbourne isn't so bad; it's short and to the point - that this is a magazine about the Misbourne school. It is in a hand-writing themed font to demonstrate that the publication is not formal but the written word of student gossip, funny stories, jokes or whatever; purely for entertainment purposes.

The main image on the front cover is a very blatant joke, accompanied by its sub-title; "Misbourne Students: Highly Employable". Adam in his McDonalds hat juxtaposes the statement "highly employable" to mean employable by McDonalds. Its a combination of three images edited together. The first is me stood on a stage, posing as Mr Preston saying nice encouraging words to the students, which I then edited the face of Mr Preston onto in Photoshop, and the final being Adam in his fast-food attire projected onto the backdrop, also done in photoshop.

Lower down the page, there are three more main stories, each in their respective boxes, and each hyperbolised for comical purposes more than anything, and then a final three sub-stories on the lowest bar of the page.

The colour scheme of the magazine focuses on the school's official colours, of either past publications or uniform. The background is therefore a gradiented pallet of white-grey-blue-dark blue (That I made in Photoshop), the blue shades representing the new uniform of the school, and the white to accomadate for the masthead which had an awkward white background. The red fonts represnt the ties of yore,before our recent fashion revolution within the school, bringing a nostalgic vibe to the older Misbourne student readers. But in all seriousness red is a colour that stands out.

I wanted to make anything unlike a regular prospectus. Which are just boring if I'm honest.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

School Prospectus Photos

So we start making our prospectus front covers at school on Monday and in preparation we took our own photos to be used. My prospectus is intended to be a parody of informational papers but keeping a serious tone, similarly to The Onion, so the pictures are normal(ish) and will instead have hopefully funny titles.

For example this photo is self-evidently very not funny. But add a sub-title something along the lines of "Gordon Ramsay: School Cafeteria Nightmare", etc. it's at least interesting in its own way.

Combine it with a photo such as...

And hey-presto you've got yourself a funny McDonalds related story. Or perhaps use it individually on a different story under the sub-title "Misbourne Students Highly Employable" to put a whimsical spin on a phrase the faculty staff love bragging about so often.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

School Magazine Contents Page

This is a mock contents page for my school magazine.It follows a basic formula in its graphological features; The box grid is two small stories, a central main story, and then two more peripheral stories. Each accompanied with page numbers, to inform readers to which page the stories are on.It is very basic, but performs its function efficiently as a mock-up.